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Spectrum and numbering

Details for the arrangements for the allocation of the radio spectrum and numbers on Jersey

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What is spectrum?

Spectrum refers to invisible radio waves that travel through air, space, and solid materials, enabling wireless connections between devices and communication providers. Its applications are vast, including mobile phones, home Wi-Fi, satellite connections, TVs, radios, baby monitors, and car key fobs.

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How is spectrum licensed for Jersey?

UK communications regulator Ofcom is responsible for licensing radio spectrum in Jersey under powers provided by the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 and Communication Act 2003, parts of which have been extended by order to Jersey. 

Through these powers, Ofcom can grant wireless telegraphy licences (WT licences) authorising the use of radio spectrum in Jersey. In some cases this takes place without local involvement – when the spectrum is required for private business radio systems, for example, or to create a fixed wireless link between two locations. In others, where the spectrum is for operating commercial wireless services such as a mobile phone network, companies must first apply to the JCRA. 

By agreement, the JCRA carefully considers local applications for commercial spectrum before making a recommendation for Ofcom to issue a WT licence. This may involve a public consultation to gain views from other interested parties before making a decision, or holding a competitive award process where competing demands exist for the same spectrum.

Following this, the JCRA can recommend that Ofcom issue an appropriate WT licence, which will take place providing Ofcom is satisfied its legal obligations have been met. There is a further requirement for the company receiving the WT licence to also hold a local telecoms licence issued by the JCRA. 

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What is the scope for innovation and trial licencing?

The JCRA and Ofcom have agreed a simple process for companies wanting access to local spectrum for innovation and trials but not any form of commercial service. Examples of this include:

  • Helping the development of new systems, services and applications
  • Carrying our scientific research and experiments
  • Testing, trialling and demonstrating concepts and innovations

There are two classes of WT licence available for this: 

1)    Innovation & Research: for examination and experiments
2)    Demonstration & Trial: for developing and testing new technologies

Both licences provide access to any spectrum frequency band, subject to availability and coordination with other users, and require payment of a fee.

Companies interested in receiving either licence should approach Ofcom directly, using the online form available here for applications. Advising the JCRA of any plans to carry innovation and trial activities in Jersey is also recommended.

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What are telephone numbers?

Being able to call or message individuals and organisations traditionally relies on telecom operators allocating each a telephone number containing a unique series of identifying digits. These may include a country code, area code and local number. Different number ranges indicate different telecom services, such as fixed line, mobile, premium rate and freephone. 

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How are numbers allocated for use in Jersey?

Jersey is a member of the UK National Telephone Numbering Plan, which UK communications regulator Ofcom administers. This makes specific number ranges available for allocation to local telecoms operators, including the geographic fixed line prefix 01534, and establishes requirements and restrictions on their use.


Arrangements between the JCRA and Ofcom create the following responsibilities for the allocation and management of local telephone numbers:

  • Operators must apply to Ofcom for the allocation of Jersey numbers, which are only available to companies holding a local telecoms licence.
  • Ofcom informs JCRA about any applications received from Jersey companies for number allocations and anything issued as a result.
  • JCRA includes conditions of the use of numbers in the telecoms licences of local operators.   

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