If the service provider has been unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, Contact Us; you can ask us to consider your complaint and we would welcome the following information:
- Describe the issue you are being affected by and why you believe the organisation’s service or behaviour is not meeting the required standard.
- Provide details on the outcome of their complaints procedure - including their reference number, or any communications you may have had with other consumer protection organisations.
- Say what you would like us to do about the complaint.
- What would be your ideal outcome?
- Details to contact you on.
- Permission from you allowing us to discuss the details of your complaint with the company involved.
Remember that we will always try to help, however we may not be able to become involved and the outcome may not be what you would ideally want. In that case you may consider alternative consumer protection approaches.
Before getting in contact, please read our Guidelines on on Making a Complaint and Investigation Procedures. These contain everything you need to know in order to submit a complaint.