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Licences in issue

Overview and details of all licences currently in issue (including the application process)

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Why is a Licence required?

In order to run all or part of a telecommunications system in Jersey, a licence from the JCRA is needed. These are granted under Article 14 of the Telecommunications (Jersey) Law 2002, on application to the JCRA.

We charge licence fees calculated on the basis of the forecast cost of regulating the sector for the year in question.

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What types of Licence are available?

There are four classes of telecoms licence in Jersey:

  • Class I - for those telecoms operators that have no discernible impact on the competitive market;
  • Class II - for those applicants without Significant Market Power (SMP);
  • Class III - for those applicants with SMP; and
  • General Class - for cases where there is a need for a licence but where, in our opinion, a formal application is too rigorous for the requirement. There is no need for an application or for notification to be made, but the licensee is required to know the limitations and responsibilities of the General Class licence.

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How to apply for a Licence

We have published guidelines that explain how to apply for a Telecoms Licence - see embedded link. 

Your application must include:

  • Business details
  • Service details

An application fee will also be required.

What conditions are included in the Licences?

The licences contain both a common set of conditions for all licensees and specific conditions per Class of licence, to align to the services which operators choose or are obliged to provide.

The Class III Licence includes conditions for dominant operators, which in Jersey only applies to JT, the sole Class III licensee. These conditions cover Other Licensed Operators’ (OLO) access to networks and services, prohibiting undue preference or unfair discrimination, preventing unfair cross-subsidisation, regulating prices, and ensuring transparency in pricing and wholesale offerings, including publishing Reference Offers.

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What Licence fees are payable?

Regulation of the telecoms sector in Jersey is funded through licence fees paid by telecoms licence holders.

Annual Fee

Telecoms licence holders pay an annual fee over the term of the licence they hold. Guidelines for calculating licence fees are set out here.

Radio Spectrum Fee

If a telecoms licence holder uses radio spectrum to provide any part of its network, it may be necessary for them to pay spectrum fees to Ofcom, the UK communications regulator responsible for allocating radio spectrum in Jersey. Information is available from the Ofcom website.

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How does a Licensee seek the JCRA's approval for a change in control?

We have published guidelines that explain how to seek the JCRA's approval of a change in control.

How does a Licensee surrender its Licence?

We have published guidelines that explain how to surrender a Telecoms Licence.

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