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Complaints processes

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Port Operations

Complaint about Port Operations

If you are unhappy with the service you have received from your airline or shipping company, you should contact them directly and escalate to Ports of Jersey if necessary. We do not regulate airlines and shipping companies.


If you are unhappy with the service you have received from Ports of Jersey (the airport, harbours, or marinas) and wish to make a complaint, you should take the following steps:


1. Register your complaint with Ports of Jersey and follow its complaints procedure

In the first instance you should ask Ports of Jersey to resolve your complaint.

Ports of Jersey has a complaints policy and procedure which sets out its procedures for handling complaints, including time limits for resolution.


2. Submit a complaint to us

If Ports of Jersey has been unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you can ask us to consider your complaint.

Make a Port Operations complaint

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Postal Services

Complaint about Postal Services

The majority of postal service customers buy standard products that are subject to standard terms and conditions. If you are unhappy with the service you have / are receiving and wish to make a complaint, you should take the following steps:


1. Register your complaint with the service provider and follow its complaints procedure

In the first place you should ask your service provider to try to resolve the complaint. Jersey Post publishes general terms and conditions for its postal services, which include a Consumer Code explaining how to make a comment or complaint.

Jersey Post General Terms and Conditions


2. Submitting a complaint to us

If your service provider has been unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction you can ask us to consider your complaint.

Make a postal services complaint

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Complaint about Telecoms Service

If you are unhappy with the service you are receiving from your service provider and wish to make a complaint, you should take the following steps:


1. Register your complaint with the service provider and follow its complaints procedure

In the first instance you should ask your service provider to try to resolve the complaint.

JT GlobalAirtel Vodafone and Sure each has a code of practice or similar in place which sets out its procedures for handling complaints, including time limits for resolution.


2. Submitting a complaint to us

If your service provider has been unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction you can ask us to consider your complaint.

Make a complaint about Telecoms company

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